Organizational Announcement
Nikki Zea has retired from the NYDI Board of Trusteesย (BOT). An alumna of NYDI, having participated since she was 8 years old, she has served in DI as a participant, appraiser, manager, coordinator in the university level, writer, and overall supporter and advertiser of DI. She says she is “always in complete awe of the genius that DI kids demonstrate in their solutions.”
Residing in Massachusetts, in real life Nikki is a chemical engineer serving as a products manager in a multi-national corporation. She reports that “everyday I use the skills of DI to solve problems and generate teamwork in my corporation.”
The NYDI BOT will miss Nikki’s presence and enthusiasm.
Nikki has been appointed the TENSION BUILDS Affiliate Challenge Master for Massachusetts DIย and the NYDI BOT is convinced that she will be a wonderful leader for all those TENSION BUILDS teams and appraisers in Massachusetts.
Best wishes, Nikki! We hope to see Nikki at our Affiliate Tournamentย on April 5.